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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing 2A, L, N and U

ALUMNAalumna n. A female pupil or student (especially of a university or college).
alumna n. A female graduate.
ALUMNA n. (Latin) a female graduate.
ANNUALannual adj. Happening once every year.
annual adj. Of, for, or relating to a whole year, often as a recurring cycle; determined or reckoned by the year;…
annual adj. (Botany, of a plant) Having a life cycle that is completed in only one growing season; e.g. beans, corn…
ANURALanural adj. Lacking a tail.
anural adj. Relating to the anurans.
ANURAL adj. having no tail.
CANULAcanula n. Alternative form of cannula.
CANULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANNULA.
FAUNALfaunal adj. Pertaining to animals.
faunal adj. Pertaining to a specific fauna of a given region or time.
FAUNAL adj. relating to fauna, the animal life of a region.
LACUNAlacuna n. (Particularly anatomy) A small opening; a small pit or depression, especially in bone.
lacuna n. A small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LAGUNALaguna prop.n. A province of the Philippines. Capital: Santa Cruz. Largest city: Calamba.
LAGUNA n. (Italian) a shallow body of water, also LAGOON, LAGUNE.
LANDAUlandau n. A type of lightweight, four-wheeled carriage in which the front and back passenger seats face each other.
landau n. (By extension) A style of automobile based around the design of landau carriages.
Landau prop.n. A surname.
LAUANSlauans n. Plural of lauan.
LAUAN n. (Tagalog) a lightweight hardwood timber produced by various Philippine trees.
MANUALmanual n. A handbook.
manual n. A booklet that instructs on the usage of a particular machine or product.
manual n. (Military) A drill in the use of weapons, etc.
RANULAranula n. (Pathology) A tumor or swelling located in the floor of the mouth under the tongue; specifically a bluish…
RANULA n. (Latin) a cyst formed under the tongue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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