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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing 2A, L, N and T

ALANTSalants n. Plural of alant.
ALANT n. a large hunting dog, also ALAN, ALAND.
ANTLIAantlia n. (Zoology) The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects.
Antlia prop.n. (Astronomy) A faint winter constellation of the northern sky, said to resemble a pump. The common English…
ANTLIA n. (Latin) the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies.
ANTRALantral adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to an antrum.
ANTRAL adj. relating to an antrum, a cavity.
ASLANTaslant adj. (Archaic, literary) Slanting.
aslant adv. (Archaic, literary) At a slant.
aslant prep. (Archaic, literary) Diagonally over or across.
ATONALatonal adj. (Music) Lacking a tonal center or key.
atonal adj. (Linguistics) Not tonal, lacking tones.
ATONAL adj. not referring to any scale or tonic.
CANTALcantal n. Alternative letter-case form of Cantal.
Cantal n. A type of cheese originally made in the south of France.
Cantal prop.n. One of the départements in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France (INSEE code 15).
GALANTgalant prop.n. (Music) Alternative form of Galant.
Galant prop.n. (Music) Principally during the transition from the Baroque to the Classical period, a few decades either…
GALANT n. (French) an 18th-century style of music characterized by homophony and elaborate ornamentation.
LANATElanate adj. Covered in or composed of woolly hairs.
LANATE adj. having or consisting of a woolly covering of hairs, also LANATED, LANOSE.
LATINAlatina n. Alternative letter-case form of Latina.
Latina n. A Latin American woman. (Compare Latino.)
Latina adj. Of Latin American descent and female.
PLANTAplanta n. (Anatomy) The sole of the foot.
PLANTA n. (Latin) the sole of the foot.
PLATANplatan n. (Now rare, literary) A planetree.
PLATAN n. the plane tree, also PLATANE.
SANTALsantal n. (Organic chemistry) A colourless crystalline substance, isomeric with piperonal, but having weak acid…
Santal n. A member of an aboriginal ethnic group living in what is now the eastern states of India, and Bangladesh…
Santal adj. Of or pertaining to the Santals.
TALANTTALANT n. (Spenser) talon, also TALAUNT, TALON.
TARNALtarnal adj. (US, slang, euphemistic) damned (as an intensifier).
TARNAL adj. (US slang) eternal, damned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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