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All 5-letter words with as second to last letter

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There are 12 five-letter words with X as second to last letter

ATAXYataxy n. (Medicine) ataxia.
ataxy n. (Obsolete) disorder; irregularity.
ATAXY n. loss of muscular coordination, also ATAXIA.
BRAXYbraxy n. An inflammatory disease of sheep.
braxy n. (Now historical) Meat from sheep that have died from this disease, or that have died from accident or…
braxy adj. Diseased with braxy.
DEOXYdeoxy adj. (Chemistry) Describing any compound formally derived from another by replacement of a hydroxy group…
deoxy- pref. (Chemistry) Formally derived from another compound by the replacement of a hydroxy group by a hydrogen atom.
DEOXY adj. having less oxygen than the parent compound, also DESOXY.
DRUXYdruxy adj. (Of wood, obsolete outside dialects) Having decayed spots or streaks of a whitish colour; rotten, decayed.
DRUXY adj. of timber, having hidden decayed spots, also DRICKSIE.
EPOXYepoxy adj. (Chemistry) Derived from an epoxide.
epoxy n. A thermosetting polyepoxide resin used chiefly in strong adhesives, coatings and laminates; epoxy resin.
epoxy v. To glue with epoxy.
FLAXYflaxy adj. Like flax; flaxen.
FLAXY adj. like flax; of a light colour.
FLEXIflexi n. (British English) Clipping of flexitime.
flexi n. Clipping of flexible. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
flexi- pref. Flexible.
FLEXOflexo n. Flexography.
flexo- pref. Flexion; flexure.
FLEXO n. a method of rotary letterpress printing, also FLEXOGRAPHY.
ORIXAorixa n. Alternative spelling of orisha.
ORIXA n. (Yoruba) any of the minor gods or spirits of traditional Yoruba religion, also ORISHA.
PREXYprexy n. (Slang) A president, especially of a college or university.
PREXY n. (US slang) the president of a college, also PREX, PREXIE.
PROXYproxy adj. Used as a proxy or acting as a proxy.
proxy n. An agent or substitute authorized to act for another person.
proxy n. The authority to act for another, especially when written.
TWIXTtwixt prep. (Literary) betwixt, between.
'twixt prep. (Literary) Contraction of betwixt.
TWIXT prep. between, also BETWIXT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.

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