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There are 12 words with Q as tenth letter

AUTOCRITIQUEautocritique n. A self-criticism.
autocritique v. To criticize one’s own ideas.
AUTOCRITIQUE n. (French) self-criticism, esp. political.
AUTOCRITIQUESautocritiques n. Plural of autocritique.
AUTOCRITIQUE n. (French) self-criticism, esp. political.
CHIQUICHIQUICHIQUICHIQUI n. (Tupi) a piassava palm tree of South America.
CHIQUICHIQUISCHIQUICHIQUI n. (Tupi) a piassava palm tree of South America.
CHIVALRESQUEchivalresque adj. Characteristic of chivalry.
CHIVALRESQUE adj. relating to or connected with chivalry.
CINEMATHEQUEcinematheque n. A film archive with small cinemas, screening classic and art-house films.
CINEMATHEQUE n. a small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films.
CINEMATHEQUEScinematheques n. Plural of cinematheque.
CINEMATHEQUE n. a small movie theater showing classic or avant-garde films.
MACABERESQUEmacaberesque adj. Macabre.
macaberesque n. The danse macabre, or some similar performance or imagery.
MACABERESQUE adj. somewhat macaber.
PECTORILOQUIESPECTORILOQUY n. the sound of a patient's voice as heard through a stethoscope.
PECTORILOQUYpectoriloquy n. (Medicine) An increased resonance, or a distinctly articulated voice, heard during auscultation.
PECTORILOQUY n. the sound of a patient's voice as heard through a stethoscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.

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