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All 6-letter words with as second to last letter

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There are 9 six-letter words with J as second to last letter

COTIJAcotija n. A hard, dry cheese from Mexico.
COTIJA n. a kind of Mexican cheese.
GYTTJAgyttja n. A mud formed from the partial decay of peat.
GYTTJA n. (Swedish) an organically rich sediment on a lake bottom.
KHODJAKhodja n. Alternative form of Khoja.
KHODJA n. (Turkish) an Eastern term of respect, a Muslim teacher or professor, also HODJA, KHOJA.
RAKIJArakija n. A strong distilled alcoholic beverage made from various fruits, varieties of which (such as slivovitz)…
RAKIJA n. a kind of fruit brandy produced by distillation of fermented fruit, popular throughout the Balkans, also RAKIA.
RHANJARHANJA n. (Hinglish) a male lover.
ROMAJIromaji n. A representation of Japanese in Latin script.
Romaji prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of romaji.
rōmaji n. Alternative spelling of romaji.
SHINJUshinju n. (BDSM) The binding of the female breasts.
shinju n. In Japan, an act of joint suicide by two or more people bound by love, such as romantic partners or family members.
Shinju prop.n. A Japanese female given name from Japanese.
TINAJAtinaja n. A small pool in a rocky hollow.
TINAJA n. (Spanish) a large earthenware jar used in Spain for storing wine.
WILTJAwiltja n. A semicircular Aboriginal dwelling, intended as a temporary shelter from the heat of the sun.
WILTJA n. (Native Australian) an Aboriginal shelter or hut, also WILJA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.

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