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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing ZLI

BEZZLINGbezzling v. Present participle of bezzle.
BEZZLE v. to drink hard.
DAZZLINGdazzling v. Present participle of dazzle.
dazzling adj. Shining intensely.
dazzling adj. Splendid; brilliant.
FIZZLINGfizzling v. Present participle of fizzle.
fizzling n. The sound of something that fizzles.
FIZZLE v. to come to nothing.
FOOZLINGfoozling v. Present participle of foozle.
FOOZLING n. the act of bungling.
FUZZLINGfuzzling v. Present participle of fuzzle.
FUZZLE v. (dialect) to intoxicate, confuse, muddle.
GUZZLINGguzzling v. Present participle of guzzle.
guzzling n. Greedy eating or drinking.
GUZZLE v. to drink rapidly.
JAZZLIKEjazzlike adj. Alternative spelling of jazz-like.
jazz-like adj. Similar to, or reminiscent of, jazz music.
JAZZLIKE adj. resembling a type of music.
MIZZLIERMIZZLY adj. drizzly, raining in fine drops.
MIZZLINGmizzling v. Present participle of mizzle.
mizzling n. A thick mist or fine rain.
MIZZLING n. drizzling.
MOZZLINGMOZZLE v. (Hebrew) to hamper or impede (someone); to hex or give bad luck to (someone).
MUZZLINGmuzzling v. Present participle of muzzle.
muzzling n. The act of placing a muzzle on an animal.
MUZZLE v. to cover the mouth of.
NUZZLINGnuzzling v. Present participle of nuzzle.
nuzzling n. The act of one who nuzzles.
NUZZLE v. to caress with the nose, also SNUZZLE.
PUZZLINGpuzzling v. Present participle of puzzle.
puzzling adj. Difficult to understand or explain; enigmatic or confusing; perplexing.
puzzling n. Time spent pondering something confusing.
SIZZLINGsizzling v. Present participle of sizzle.
sizzling adj. Hot enough to make a hissing sound.
sizzling adj. (In the names of dishes in Asian cuisine etc.) Brought to the table in the metal dish it has been cooked…
SOZZLINGsozzling v. Present participle of sozzle.
SOZZLE v. to intoxicate.
TEAZLINGteazling v. Present participle of teazle.
TEAZLE v. to raise a nap on fabric, also TEASEL, TEAZEL.
TOUZLINGtouzling v. Present participle of touzle.
TOUZLE v. to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUSLE, TOUZE, TOWSE, TOWZE.
WUZZLINGwuzzling v. Present participle of wuzzle.
WUZZLE v. (US) to jumble.
ZIZZLINGzizzling v. Present participle of zizzle.
ZIZZLE v. to sizzle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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