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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ZET

BOZZETTIbozzetti n. Plural of bozzetto.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
BOZZETTObozzetto n. (Art) A small scale model used to make a larger sculpture.
BOZZETTO n. (Italian) a small sketch of a projected sculpture.
FRIZETTEfrizette n. A fringe of hair or curls around a woman’s forehead.
frizette n. (Historical) A pad of frizzed hair or silk formerly worn by women under the hair to stuff it out.
FRIZETTE n. (French) a frizzed fringe of hair, also FRISETTE.
GAZETTEDgazetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of gazette.
GAZETTE v. to announce in an official journal.
GAZETTESgazettes n. Plural of gazette.
GAZETTE v. to announce in an official journal.
MOZETTASmozettas n. Plural of mozetta.
MOZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZZETTA.
MOZZETTAmozzetta n. A short cape worn by some Catholic clergy.
MOZZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZETTA.
MOZZETTEmozzette n. Plural of mozzetta.
MOZZETTA n. (Italian) a hooded cape worn by bishops, also MOZETTA.
ROZETINGROZET v. (Scots) to rosin, also ROSET, ROSIT, ROZIT.
TERZETTAterzetta n. (Music) Alternative form of terzetto.
terzetta n. (Firearms, historical) An old Italian flintlock pistol.
TERZETTA n. (Italian) a triplet of lines that rhyme together or are connected with adjacent rhymes, also TERCET, TIERCET.
TERZETTIterzetti n. Plural of terzetto.
TERZETTO n. (Italian) a composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio.
TERZETTOterzetto n. (Music) A composition in three voice parts.
terzetto n. (Music) A vocal (or, rarely, instrumental) trio.
TERZETTO n. (Italian) a composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio.
ZETETICSzetetics n. Plural of zetetic.
zetetics n. (Mathematics) A branch of algebra which relates to the direct search for unknown quantities.
ZETETIC n. (Greek) a search, an enquiry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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