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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ZAS

ALCORZASALCORZA n. (Spanish) a kind of Spanish sweet.
ALTEZZASALTEZZA n. (Italian) highness, also ALTESSE, ALTEZA.
BONANZASbonanzas n. Plural of bonanza.
BONANZA n. (Spanish) a lucky strike in e.g. mining.
CADENZAScadenzas n. Plural of cadenza.
CADENZA n. (Italian) an elaborate musical passage.
CERVEZASCERVEZA n. (Spanish) beer.
CHALAZASchalazas n. Plural of chalaza.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
DOPIAZASdopiazas n. Plural of dopiaza.
DOPIAZA n. an Indian dish, meat or fish in onion sauce.
GUEREZASguerezas n. Plural of guereza.
GUEREZA n. (Somali) a large, longhaired, black-and-white African monkey, with a bushy tail.
MESTIZASmestizas n. Plural of mestiza.
Mestiz@s n. Plural of Mestiz@.
MESTIZA n. (Spanish) a (female) person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage.
ORGANZASorganzas n. Plural of organza.
ORGANZA n. a transparent thin silk or nylon.
ROMANZASromanzas n. Plural of romanza.
ROMANZA n. (Italian) a short instrumental piece of songlike character.
ZASTRUGAzastruga n. Any of a series of long, wavelike ridges or grooves formed on a snow surface by the wind, especially in polar plains.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.
ZASTRUGIzastrugi n. Plural of zastruga; Alternative form of sastrugi.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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