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There are 17 seven-letter words containing ZIL

BENZILSbenzils n. Plural of benzil.
BENZIL n. a hydrocarbon radical.
BOOZILYboozily adv. In a boozy way.
BOOZY adv. inclined to booze, also BOOZEY, BOUSY.
BRAZILSbrazils n. Plural of brazil.
Brazils prop.n. Plural of Brazil.
BRAZIL n. the hard reddish wood of the East Indian sappan tree.
CRAZILYcrazily adv. In a crazy manner.
crazily adv. Very, extremely.
CRAZY adv. insane.
DIZZILYdizzily adv. In a dizzy manner.
DIZZY adv. giddy.
FIZZILYfizzily adv. In a fizzy way.
FIZZY adv. fizzing.
FRAZILSfrazils n. Plural of frazil.
FRAZIL n. ice crystals in streams.
FUZZILYfuzzily adv. In a fuzzy manner.
FUZZY adv. covered with fuzz.
GAUZILYgauzily adv. In a gauzy manner.
GAUZY adv. resembling gauze.
GLAZILYGLAZY adv. covered with a smooth, glossy coating.
JAZZILYjazzily adv. In a jazzy way.
JAZZY adv. of or like jazz, noisy, garish.
MUZZILYmuzzily adv. In a muzzy manner.
MUZZY adv. confused.
RITZILYritzily adv. In a ritzy fashion.
RITZY adv. pretentious.
WOOZILYwoozily adv. In a woozy manner.
WOOZY adv. slightly drunk or confused.
ZILCHESzilches n. Plural of zilch.
zilches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of zilch.
ZILCH n. nothing.
ZILLAHSzillahs n. Plural of zillah.
ZILLAH n. (Hindi) an administrative district in British India, also ZILA, ZILLA.
ZILLIONzillion n. (Slang, hyperbolic) An unspecified large number (of); a gazillion.
ZILLION n. an extremely large but unspecified number, many millions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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