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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing ZOI

CRYPTOZOICcryptozoic adj. (Zoology) Living in a cavity or small cave.
cryptozoic adj. (Chiefly soil science, of an organism) Hidden (especially in the soil); not easily visible.
cryptozoic adj. (Parasitology) Relating to a cryptozoite.
HYLOZOICALhylozoical adj. Hylozoistic.
HYLOZOICAL adj. relating to hylozoism, the doctrine that all matter is endowed with life, also HYLOZOIC.
HYLOZOISMShylozoisms n. Plural of hylozoism.
HYLOZOISM n. the doctrine that all matter is endowed with life.
HYLOZOISTShylozoists n. Plural of hylozoist.
HYLOZOIST n. one who maintains the doctrine of hylozoism, that all matter is endowed with life.
MEROZOITESmerozoites n. Plural of merozoite.
MEROZOITE n. a young trophozoite resulting from the division of a schizont.
SCHIZOIDALschizoidal adj. Synonym of schizoid.
SCHIZOIDAL adj. suffering from schizophrenia, also SCHIZOID, SCHIZOPHRENETIC, SCHIZOPHRENIC.
SPOROZOITEsporozoite n. (Cytology) Any of the minute active bodies into which a sporozoan divides just before it infects a new host cell.
SPOROZOITE n. a minute, mobile, preadult spore developed by sporozoans.
TRAPEZOIDStrapezoids n. Plural of trapezoid.
TRAPEZOID n. a wrist bone at the base of the index finger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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