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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing ZAT

AUTOLYZATEautolyzate n. Alternative form of autolysate.
AUTOLYZATE n. a product of autolysis, also AUTOLYSATE.
DENIZATIONdenization n. The act of making one a denizen or adopted citizen; naturalization.
DENIZATION n. the act of making one a denizen or adopted citizen; naturalization, also DENISATION.
DIALYZATESdialyzates n. Plural of dialyzate.
DIALYZATE n. the material subjected to dialysis, the separation of substances by diffusion through a membranous septum or partition, also DIALYSATE.
GLEIZATIONgleization n. Formation of a gley soil.
GLEIZATION n. the process of forming a glei, a sticky clay soil, also GLEISATION.
IODIZATIONiodization n. The act or process of iodizing.
IODIZATION n. the act of iodizing, also IODISATION.
IONIZATIONionization n. (Chemistry, physics) Any process that leads to the dissociation of a neutral atom or molecule into charged…
Ionization n. Alternative form of Ionicization.
IONIZATION n. the act of ionizing, also IONISATION.
KAZATSKIESkazatskies n. Plural of kazatsky.
KAZATSKI n. (Russian) a Russian folk dance, also KAZACHOC, KAZACHOK, KAZATSKY, KAZATZKA.
NANIZATIONnanization n. The artificial dwarfing of trees, as in bonsai.
NANIZATION n. artificial dwarfing, also NANISATION.
PYROLYZATEpyrolyzate n. Alternative form of pyrolysate.
PYROLYZATE n. a product of pyrolysis, also PYROLYSATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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