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There are 14 words containing YCLICA

BICYCLICALbicyclical adj. Bicyclic.
BICYCLICAL adj. having two rings of atoms in a molecule, also BICYCLIC.
CONCYCLICALLYCONCYCLIC adv. lying or situated on the circumference of the same circle.
CONTRACYCLICALcontracyclical adj. (Economics) Tending to counteract the effects of the business cycle.
CONTRACYCLICAL adj. of an economic policy, offsetting fluctuation cycles in the economy by reducing taxes during a recession and raising them during a boom.
COUNTERCYCLICALcountercyclical adj. (Public policy) Dampening the cyclical fluctuations due to the business cycle in an economy.
countercyclical adj. (Economics) Moving in the direction opposite to that of the overall state of an economy.
COUNTERCYCLICAL adj. calculated to check excessive developments in a business cycle.
CYCLICALcyclical adj. Recurring at regular intervals.
CYCLICAL adj. relating to a cycle.
CYCLICAL n. stock whose earnings fluctuate with the economy.
CYCLICALITIEScyclicalities n. Plural of cyclicality.
CYCLICALITY n. the state of being cyclical.
CYCLICALITYcyclicality n. The condition of being cyclic.
CYCLICALITY n. the state of being cyclical.
CYCLICALLYcyclically adv. In a cyclic manner; in cycles; periodically.
CYCLICAL adv. relating to a cycle.
CYCLICALSCYCLICAL n. stock whose earnings fluctuate with the economy.
ENCYCLICALencyclical n. A papal letter, intended for general circulation in the Catholic Church.
encyclical adj. Intended for general circulation.
ENCYCLICAL n. a letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops, also ENCYCLIC.
ENCYCLICALSencyclicals n. Plural of encyclical.
ENCYCLICAL n. a letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops, also ENCYCLIC.
EPICYCLICALepicyclical adj. Of or pertaining to an epicycle.
EPICYCLICAL adj. pertaining to or having the motion of, an epicycle, also EPICYCLIC.
NONCYCLICALnoncyclical adj. Not cyclical.
NONCYCLICAL adj. not cyclical, also NONCYCLIC.
NONCYCLICALLYnoncyclically adv. In a noncyclical fashion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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