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There are 13 words containing YALIST

ANTIROYALISTantiroyalist n. One who opposes royals or royalism.
ANTIROYALIST n. one opposed to royalty.
ANTIROYALISTSantiroyalists n. Plural of antiroyalist.
ANTIROYALIST n. one opposed to royalty.
LOYALISTloyalist n. A person who is loyal to a cause, generally used as a political affiliation.
Loyalist n. (US, Canada, historical) A person from the 13 Colonies (of British North America from the eastern seaboard…
Loyalist n. (US, Canada, historical) Abbreviation of United Empire Loyalist.
LOYALISTSloyalists n. Plural of loyalist.
Loyalists n. Plural of Loyalist.
LOYALIST n. one who is loyal.
MYALISTMYALIST n. one who practises myalism, a magic cult among West Indian blacks.
MYALISTSMYALIST n. one who practises myalism, a magic cult among West Indian blacks.
ROYALISTroyalist n. A monarchist (supporter of monarchy) or supporter of a particular royal régime.
royalist n. A legitimist, a supporter of a particular royal line, especially one in danger of being dispossessed…
ROYALIST n. a supporter of a monarch or monarchy.
ROYALISTICroyalistic adj. Of or pertaining to royalism or royalists.
ROYALISTIC adj. characteristic of royalists.
ROYALISTSroyalists n. Plural of royalist.
ROYALIST n. a supporter of a monarch or monarchy.
SUPERLOYALISTsuperloyalist n. A very committed loyalist.
SUPERLOYALIST n. an extreme loyalist.
SUPERLOYALISTSsuperloyalists n. Plural of superloyalist.
SUPERLOYALIST n. an extreme loyalist.
ULTRAROYALISTultraroyalist n. (Historical) A member of a reactionary faction which sat in the French parliament from 1815 to 1830…
ultraroyalist n. A person or group that favours monarchy and opposes liberal, republican, and democrat ideas; a person…
ULTRAROYALIST n. an extreme royalist.
ULTRAROYALISTSultraroyalists n. Plural of ultraroyalist.
ULTRAROYALIST n. an extreme royalist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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