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There are 17 words containing YRON

GYRONgyron n. (Heraldry) A triangular form having an angle at the fess point and the opposite side at the edge of the escutcheon.
GYRON n. a heraldic inverted vee, also GIRON.
CHYRONchyron n. (US, television) A set of graphics or words at the bottom of a television screen, sometimes unrelated…
chyron n. Obsolete spelling of ciron (“the itch-mite (Sarcoptes scabiei), which infects the skin”).
CHYRON n. a group of words that appears on a television screen.
GYRONSgyrons n. Plural of gyron.
GYRON n. a heraldic inverted vee, also GIRON.
PYRONEpyrone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of cyclic chemical compounds that contain an unsaturated six-membered…
PYRONE n. a type of carbon compound.
CHYRONSchyrons n. Plural of chyron.
CHYRON n. a group of words that appears on a television screen.
GYRONICGYRONIC adj. in the shape of a gyron, also GIRONIC, GYRONNY.
GYRONNYgyronny adj. (Heraldry, of an escutcheon) Covered with gyrons, or divided into several gyrons, typically eight.
GYRONNY adj. in the shape of a gyron, also GIRONIC, GYRONNY, GYRONIC.
PYRONESpyrones n. Plural of pyrone.
PYRONE n. a type of carbon compound.
PYRONINpyronin n. Alternative form of pyronine.
PYRONIN n. either of two synthetic red xanthene dyes, also PYRONINE.
TYRONEStyrones n. Plural of tyrone.
Tyrones prop.n. Plural of Tyrone.
TYRO n. (Latin) a beginner or novice, also TIRO.
TYRONICtyronic adj. Like a tyro or novice; untutored.
TYRONIC adj. resembling a tyro, also TIRONIC.
PYRONINEpyronine n. Any of a group of xanthene dyes used to stain RNA, especially in electrophoresis.
PYRONINE n. (tradename) any of several xanthene dyes, also PYRONIN.
PYRONINSpyronins n. Plural of pyronin.
PYRONIN n. either of two synthetic red xanthene dyes, also PYRONINE.
BRONDYRONBRONDYRON n. (Spenser) a brand, a sword.
PYRONINESpyronines n. Plural of pyronine.
PYRONINE n. (tradename) any of several xanthene dyes, also PYRONIN.
BRONDYRONSBRONDYRON n. (Spenser) a brand, a sword.
PYRONINOPHILICpyroninophilic adj. Readily stained by pyronine.
PYRONINOPHILIC adj. having an affinity for pyronine, any of several xanthene dyes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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