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There are 16 words containing YMAR

CYMARcymar n. A scarf.
cymar n. A loose light dress for women.
CYMAR n. (French) a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, SIMAR, SIMARRE, SYMAR.
CYMARScymars n. Plural of cymar.
CYMAR n. (French) a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, SIMAR, SIMARRE, SYMAR.
DAYMAREdaymare n. A vivid, unpleasant mental image, having the characteristics of a nightmare, during wakefulness.
daymare v. To have a daymare.
DAYMARE n. a terrifying experience, similar to a nightmare, felt while awake.
DAYMARESdaymares n. Plural of daymare.
DAYMARE n. a terrifying experience, similar to a nightmare, felt while awake.
DAYMARKdaymark n. A mark (such as a tower) designed to help navigators to find their way during daylight hours.
DAYMARK n. an unlighted seamark.
DAYMARKSdaymarks n. Plural of daymark.
DAYMARK n. an unlighted seamark.
LACHRYMARIESLACHRYMARY n. a vessel containing, or intended to contain, tears, also LACRIMARY.
LACHRYMARYlachrymary adj. Containing or made to contain tears; lachrymal.
LACHRYMARY n. a vessel containing, or intended to contain, tears, also LACRIMARY.
SILYMARINsilymarin n. (Biochemistry) A mixture of flavonolignans extracted from the blessed milk thistle (Silybum marianum)…
SILYMARIN n. an antioxidant flavonoid found in milk thistle.
SILYMARINSsilymarins n. Plural of silymarin.
SILYMARIN n. an antioxidant flavonoid found in milk thistle.
SYMARsymar n. Alternative form of simar.
SYMAR n. a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, CYMAR, SIMAR, SIMARRE.
SYMARSsymars n. Plural of symar.
SYMAR n. a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, CYMAR, SIMAR, SIMARRE.
WAYMARKwaymark n. A sign or symbol marked in a prominent position in an off-road location to show the track of a footpath…
waymark n. A map coordinate stored within a satellite navigation system.
WAYMARK n. a mark showing the way.
WAYMARKEDwaymarked adj. Marked with a waymark.
WAYMARK v. to mark with a waymark.
WAYMARKINGwaymarking n. A recreational activity involving the finding and logging of points of interest, usually with a GPS…
WAYMARK v. to mark with a waymark.
WAYMARKSwaymarks n. Plural of waymark.
WAYMARK v. to mark with a waymark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 135 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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