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There are 16 words containing YBOY

DAYBOYdayboy n. A boy who attends a boarding school only during the day.
day␣boy n. (UK) A male day pupil.
DAYBOY n. a boy who attends classes at a boarding school, but does not live in.
FLYBOYflyboy n. (Aviation, slang) An aircraft pilot, especially of a military combat aircraft.
flyboy n. (Printing, historical, slang) A man employed to clear the printed copies from the printing-press.
fly-boy n. Alternative form of flyboy.
COPYBOYcopyboy n. Alternative form of copy boy.
copy␣boy n. (Publishing) A boy employed to carry copy and run errands.
COPYBOY n. an office boy.
DAYBOYSdayboys n. Plural of dayboy.
day␣boys n. Plural of day boy.
DAYBOY n. a boy who attends classes at a boarding school, but does not live in.
FLYBOYSflyboys n. Plural of flyboy.
fly-boys n. Plural of fly-boy.
FLYBOY n. a pilot in the air force.
LADYBOYladyboy n. A trans woman or transfeminine person in or from Asia.
lady␣boy n. Alternative spelling of ladyboy.
LADYBOY n. a transvestite.
PLAYBOYplayboy n. A single man, especially a wealthy one, who devotes himself to a life of leisure and pleasure, often…
Playboy prop.n. A brand of adult magazines introduced in the United States.
Playboy n. A Playboy magazine.
BILLYBOYbillyboy n. (UK) A flat-bottomed river barge or coasting vessel.
BILLYBOY n. a flat-bottomed river barge or coasting vessel.
BULLYBOYbullyboy n. Alternative form of bully boy.
bully-boy n. Alternative form of bully boy.
bully␣boy n. A tough, aggressive man, especially one who is young.
COPYBOYScopyboys n. Plural of copyboy.
copy␣boys n. Plural of copy boy.
COPYBOY n. an office boy.
LADYBOYSladyboys n. Plural of ladyboy.
lady␣boys n. Plural of lady boy.
LADYBOY n. a transvestite.
PENNYBOYPENNYBOY n. an employee whose duties include menial tasks such as running errands.
PLAYBOYSplayboys n. Plural of playboy.
Playboys n. Plural of Playboy.
PLAYBOY n. a man devoted to pleasurable activities.
BILLYBOYSbillyboys n. Plural of billyboy.
BILLYBOY n. a flat-bottomed river barge or coasting vessel.
BULLYBOYSbullyboys n. Plural of bullyboy.
bully-boys n. Plural of bully-boy.
bully␣boys n. Plural of bully boy.
PENNYBOYSPENNYBOY n. an employee whose duties include menial tasks such as running errands.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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