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There are 13 words containing YBOO

DAYBOOKdaybook n. A daily chronicle; a diary.
daybook n. (Bookkeeping) An accounting journal.
daybook n. (Nautical) A logbook.
FLYBOOKflybook n. (Fishing) A small case for holding fishing flies.
FLYBOOK n. a case like a book used to hold fishing flies.
COPYBOOKcopybook n. A student’s exercise book containing samples of good handwriting to be copied.
copybook n. (Quebec, UK) A notebook containing blank, often lined, pages for writing answers.
copybook n. (Programming, COBOL) A series of instructions or data definitions copied into multiple programs from…
DAYBOOKSdaybooks n. Plural of daybook.
day␣books n. Plural of day book.
DAYBOOK n. an account-book in which esp. sale transactions are entered at once for later transfer to a ledger.
FLYBOOKSflybooks n. Plural of flybook.
FLYBOOK n. a case like a book used to hold fishing flies.
PLAYBOOKplaybook n. A book containing the text of a play or plays.
playbook n. A book of games and amusements for children.
playbook n. (US, American football) A book of strategies (plays) for use in American football (and by extension…
SLYBOOTSslyboots n. (Chiefly Britain) A person who is clever or shrewd, especially one who is stealthy, manipulative, and rather charming.
sly-boots n. Alternative spelling of slyboots.
SLYBOOTS n. a sly person.
COPYBOOKScopybooks n. Plural of copybook.
COPYBOOK n. a book used in teaching penmanship.
PLAYBOOKSplaybooks n. Plural of playbook.
PLAYBOOK n. a printed book of plays.
STORYBOOKstorybook n. A book containing stories, especially children’s stories.
storybook adj. As in a story for children; pleasant and idealized, or having a happy conclusion.
STORYBOOK n. a book of tales true or fictitious, esp. one for children.
BOSSYBOOTSbossyboots n. (Informal) A bossy person.
BOSSYBOOTS n. (colloquial) a bossy person.
STORYBOOKSstorybooks n. Plural of storybook.
STORYBOOK n. a book of tales true or fictitious, esp. one for children.
TICKETTYBOOticketty-boo adj. Alternative spelling of tickety-boo.
TICKETTYBOO adj. fine, satisfactory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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