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There are 20 words containing YAU

YAUDyaud n. (Scotland, Northern England) A workhorse; an old or worn-out mare.
YAUD n. (Scots) a mare, a jade.
YAUPyaup n. Obsolete spelling of yawp.
yaup v. Obsolete spelling of yawp.
yaup adj. (Scotland) hungry.
BOYAUboyau n. (Military) A small trench or ditch, typically built in a zigzag pattern, serving to connect or provide…
boyau n. A line, drawn winding about, in order to enclose several tracts of land, or to attack some works.
BOYAU n. (French) a communication trench.
COYAUCOYAU n. (French) a steep roof design.
NOYAUnoyau n. A French liqueur made at Poissy in north central France from brandy and flavoured with almonds and the…
noyau n. (Ethology) A small nucleus or core group of people or animals.
NOYAU n. (French) a liqueur made from brandy flavoured with bitter almonds or peach-stones.
YAUDSyauds n. Plural of yaud.
YAUD n. (Scots) a mare, a jade.
YAULDyauld adj. (Now chiefly dialectal, Scotland) Vigorous; strong; healthy.
yauld adj. (Now chiefly dialectal, Scotland) Active; sprightly; alert.
yauld adj. (Now chiefly dialectal, Scotland) Supple; active; athletic; nimble.
YAUPSyaups n. Plural of yaup.
YAUP v. to yelp or bark, also YAWP.
BOYAUXboyaux n. Plural of boyau.
BOYAU n. (French) a communication trench.
COYAUSCOYAU n. (French) a steep roof design.
NOYAUSnoyaus n. Plural of noyau.
NOYAU n. (French) a liqueur made from brandy flavoured with bitter almonds or peach-stones.
NOYAUXNOYAU n. (French) a liqueur made from brandy flavoured with bitter almonds or peach-stones.
YAUPEDyauped v. Simple past tense and past participle of yaup.
YAUP v. to yelp or bark, also YAWP.
YAUPERyauper n. Alternative form of yawper.
YAUPER n. one who yaups, yelps or barks, also YAWPER.
YAUPONyaupon n. The yaupon holly, Ilex vomitoria, an evergreen holly shrub with white flowers and red or yellow berries…
yaupon n. A tea-like drink, "black drink", brewed from the leaves of this holly (or, sometimes, Ilex cassine).
YAUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YOUPON, YUPON.
YAUTIAyautia n. An edible plant commonly found in the Caribbean: Xanthosoma sagittifolium, new cocoyam.
YAUTIA n. (Taino) a tropical plant.
YAUPERSyaupers n. Plural of yauper.
YAUPER n. one who yaups, yelps or barks, also YAWPER.
YAUPINGyauping v. Present participle of yaup.
YAUP v. to yelp or bark, also YAWP.
YAUPONSyaupons n. Plural of yaupon.
YAUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YOUPON, YUPON.
YAUTIASyautias n. Plural of yautia.
YAUTIA n. (Taino) a tropical plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 84 words
  • Scrabble in French: 238 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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