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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing YOS

BOTRYOSEbotryose adj. Having the form of a cluster of grapes.
botryose adj. Of the racemose or acropetal type of inflorescence.
BOTRYOSE adj. having the form of a cluster of grapes, also BOTRYOID, BOTRYOIDAL.
CHANOYOSCHANOYO n. (Japanese) a Japanese tea ceremony, also CHADO, SADO, CHANOYU.
CRYOSTATcryostat n. Any device used to maintain a constant low temperature.
cryostat n. (Biology) A microtome held at a constant low temperature.
CRYOSTAT n. a refrigeration apparatus.
HYOSCINEhyoscine n. Scopolamine.
HYOSCINE n. a sleep-inducing drug obtained from plants of the nightshade family.
MYOSCOPEmyoscope n. An instrument for studying the muscles.
MYOSCOPE n. an instrument for observing muscular contractions.
MYOSISESMYOSIS n. (Greek) excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye, also MIOSIS.
MYOSITISmyositis n. Inflammation of the muscles.
MYOSITIS n. muscular pain from infection.
MYOSOTESmyosotes n. Plural of myosote.
MYOSOTE n. (Greek) a genus of flower, forget-me-not, also MYOSOTIS.
MYOSOTISmyosotis n. Any plant of the genus Myosotis, the forget-me-nots.
Myosotis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Boraginaceae – the forget-me-nots.
MYOSOTIS n. (Greek) a genus of flower, forget-me-not, also MYOSOTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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