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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing YSE

AUTOCATALYSEautocatalyse v. Alternative spelling of autocatalyze.
AUTOCATALYSE v. to effect autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYZE.
BIOCATALYSESbiocatalyses n. Plural of biocatalysis.
BREATHALYSEDbreathalysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of breathalyse, an alternative spelling of breathalyze.
BREATHALYSE v. to use a device which measures the amount of alcohol on a person's breath, also BREATHALYZE.
BREATHALYSERbreathalyser n. Alternative spelling of breathalyzer.
BREATHALYSER n. (tradename) a device which measures the amount of alcohol on a person's breath, also BREATHALYZER.
BREATHALYSESbreathalyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breathalyse, an alternative spelling of breathalyze.
BREATHALYSE v. to use a device which measures the amount of alcohol on a person's breath, also BREATHALYZE.
COUNTRYSEATScountryseats n. Plural of countryseat.
country␣seats n. Plural of country seat.
COUNTRYSEAT n. a house or estate in the country.
ELECTROLYSEDelectrolysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of electrolyse.
ELECTROLYSE v. to subject to electrolysis, also ELECTROLYZE.
ELECTROLYSERelectrolyser n. Alternative form of electrolyzer.
ELECTROLYSER n. something that electrolyses.
ELECTROLYSESelectrolyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of electrolyse.
electrolyses n. Plural of electrolysis.
ELECTROLYSE v. to subject to electrolysis, also ELECTROLYZE.
FIBRINOLYSESfibrinolyses n. Plural of fibrinolysis.
FIBRINOLYSIS n. the usually enzymatic breakdown of fibrin.
HAEMATOLYSEShaematolyses n. Plural of haematolysis.
HAEMATOLYSIS n. breaking up of red blood corpuscles, also HEMATOLYSIS.
HEMODIALYSEShemodialyses n. Plural of hemodialysis.
METHYSERGIDEmethysergide n. (Pharmacology) A prescription drug used for prophylaxis of migraine headaches.
METHYSERGIDE n. a serotonin used in the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches.
OVERANALYSEDoveranalysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overanalyse.
OVERANALYSE v. to analyse excessively, also OVERANALYZE.
OVERANALYSESoveranalyses n. Plural of overanalysis.
overanalyses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overanalyse.
OVERANALYSE v. to analyse excessively, also OVERANALYZE.
PARAPOPHYSESparapophyses n. Plural of parapophysis.
PARAPOPHYSIS n. a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
POLYSEPALOUSpolysepalous adj. (Botany, of a calyx) having separate sepals.
POLYSEPALOUS adj. having separate sepals.
THROMBOLYSESTHROMBOLYSIS n. the breaking up of a blood clot.
UNHYDROLYSEDunhydrolysed adj. Alternative spelling of unhydrolyzed.
UNHYDROLYSED adj. not hydrolysed, also UNHYDROLYZED.
ZYGAPOPHYSESzygapophyses n. Plural of zygapophysis.
ZYGAPOPHYSIS n. any of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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