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There are 17 four-letter words containing YR

AYREayre n. A narrow bar of sand or gravel formed by the sea; a sandbank.
ayre n. Archaic spelling of air.
Ayre prop.n. An area, called a sheading, in the north of the Isle of Man.
BYREbyre n. (Chiefly Britain) A barn, especially one used for keeping cattle in.
BYRE n. a cow shed.
BYRLbyrl v. Alternative form of birle.
BYRL v. to carouse, also BIRL, BIRLE.
EYRAeyra n. A slender, reddish-yellow wild cat (Puma yagouaroundi eyra) ranging from southern Brazil to Texas.
EYRA n. a South American wild cat, aka jaguarundi, jaguarondi.
EYREeyre n. (UK, law, historical) A journey in circuit of certain itinerant judges called justices in eyre (or in itinere).
Eyre prop.n. A surname.
EYRE n. (historical) a journey in circuit of certain judges called justices in eyre.
EYRYeyry n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of eyrie.
EYRY n. a bird of prey's nest, also AERIE, AERY, AIERY, AYRIE, EYRIE.
FYRDfyrd n. (Historical) In early Anglo-Saxon times, an army that was mobilized from freemen to defend their shire…
FYRD n. (Old English) a local militia in Anglo-Saxon times.
GYREgyre n. (Chiefly literary, poetic).
gyre n. (Anatomy, zootomy, archaic) Synonym of gyrus (“a fold or ridge on the cerebral cortex of the brain”).
gyre n. (Oceanography) An ocean current caused by wind which moves in a circular manner, especially one that…
GYRIgyri n. Plural of gyrus.
GYRUS n. (Latin) a ridge in the brain.
GYROgyro n. A gyroscope.
gyro n. A gyrocompass.
gyro n. An autogyro.
LYRAlyra n. (Anatomy, dated) The middle portion of the ventral surface of the fornix of the brain; so called from…
lyra n. A vertically suspended hoop used in acrobatic performances.
lyra n. A bowed string musical instrument used in the Byzantine Empire.
LYRElyre n. An ancient stringed musical instrument (a yoke lute chordophone) of Greek origin, consisting of two…
lyre n. A lyre-shaped sheet music holder that attaches to a wind instrument when a music stand is impractical.
lyre n. (Obsolete) A composer of lyric poetry.
PYREpyre n. A funeral pile; a combustible heap on which corpses are burned.
pyre n. Any heap or pile of combustibles.
PYRE n. a pile of combustible material.
PYROpyro n. (Slang) A pyromaniac.
pyro n. Pyrocellulose.
pyro n. Pyrotechnician.
SKYRskyr n. A yogurt-like product made of curdled milk, curds stored up for food; a thick dairy product unique to…
SKYR n. (Old Norse) curds; a yogurt-like curd cheese.
TYREtyre n. The ring-shaped protective covering around a wheel which is usually made of rubber or plastic composite…
tyre n. The metal rim of a wheel, usually of steel or formerly wrought iron, as found on (horse-drawn or railway)…
tyre v. (Transitive) To fit tyres to (a vehicle).
TYROtyro n. A beginner; a novice.
tyro- pref. (Biology, medicine) cheese#Noun.
TYRO n. (Latin) a beginner or novice, also TIRO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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