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There are 18 words containing XIF

DETOXIFYdetoxify v. To remove foreign and harmful substances from something.
de-toxify v. Alternative spelling of detoxify.
DETOXIFY v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOX.
PLEXIFORMplexiform adj. (Medicine, pathology) Having the form of a plexus.
plexiform n. (Medicine, pathology) plexiform neurofibroma.
PLEXIFORM adj. in the form of a network.
SAXIFRAGEsaxifrage n. Any plant in the genus Saxifraga.
SAXIFRAGE n. a kind of rock plant.
TAMOXIFENtamoxifen n. (Pharmacology) A nonsteroidal estrogen antagonist used in the treatment of postmenopausal breast cancer…
TAMOXIFEN n. a drug which inhibits the effects of oestrogen.
COMPLEXIFYcomplexify v. To make something more complex; to complicate.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
DETOXIFIEDdetoxified v. Simple past tense and past participle of detoxify.
de-toxified v. Simple past tense and past participle of de-toxify.
DETOXIFY v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOX.
DETOXIFIESdetoxifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of detoxify.
de-toxifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of de-toxify.
DETOXIFY v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOX.
RALOXIFENEraloxifene n. (Pharmacology) A drug used orally in the form of its hydrochloride C28H27NO4S·HCl as prophylaxis against…
SAXIFRAGESsaxifrages n. Plural of saxifrage.
SAXIFRAGE n. a kind of rock plant.
TAMOXIFENStamoxifens n. Plural of tamoxifen.
TAMOXIFEN n. a drug which inhibits the effects of oestrogen.
DETOXIFYINGdetoxifying v. Present participle of detoxify.
de-toxifying v. Present participle of de-toxify.
DETOXIFY v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOX.
RALOXIFENESraloxifenes n. Plural of raloxifene.
COMPLEXIFIEDcomplexified v. Simple past tense and past participle of complexify.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
COMPLEXIFIEScomplexifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of complexify.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
COMPLEXIFYINGcomplexifying v. Present participle of complexify.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
DETOXIFICATIONdetoxification n. The process of removing toxins.
DETOXIFICATION n. the act of detoxifying.
SAXIFRAGACEOUSsaxifragaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to an order of plants (Saxifragaceae) of which saxifrage is the type.
SAXIFRAGACEOUS adj. belonging to the saxifrage family.
DETOXIFICATIONSdetoxifications n. Plural of detoxification.
DETOXIFICATION n. the act of detoxifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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