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There are 11 seven-letter words containing XTI

BOXTIESboxties n. Plural of boxty.
BOXTY n. an Irish dish of potato griddlecakes, eaten with various fillings.
EXTINCTextinct adj. (Dated) Extinguished, no longer alight (Of fire, candles etc.).
extinct adj. No longer used; obsolete, discontinued.
extinct adj. (Of a group of organisms, as a species) No longer in existence; having died out.
EXTINESextines n. Plural of extine.
EXTINE n. the outer layer of some spores, also EXINE.
EXTIRPSextirps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extirp.
EXTIRP v. (Shakespeare) to root out.
MIXTIONmixtion n. (Archaic) The act or process of mixing; the state of being mixed or becoming mixed; a mixture.
mixtion n. (Obsolete) A compound of drugs; a medicinal concoction.
mixtion n. (Obsolete) A chemical compound.
SEXTILEsextile adj. (Astronomy, astrology) Of or denoting the aspect or position of any two celestial bodies separated by 60°.
sextile n. (Statistics) A quantile of six equal proportions; any of the subsets thus obtained.
sextile n. A segment that is a sixth of the whole.
SEXTINGsexting n. The act of transmitting and/or receiving sexually suggestive text messages and/or photographs between…
sexting v. Present participle of sext.
SEXTING n. the act of sending text messages of a sexual nature.
SIXTIESsixties n. Plural of sixty.
sixties n. Alternative letter-case form of Sixties (The decade of the 1860s, 1960s, etc.).
sixties n. The decade of one’s life from age 60 through age 69.
TEXTILEtextile n. (Usually in the plural) Any material made of interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles.
textile n. (Naturism) A non-nudist.
textile adj. (Naturism) Clothing compulsive.
TEXTINGtexting v. Present participle of text.
texting n. The use of a mobile phone to send text messages.
texting n. The words set to a piece of music.
TEXTISMtextism n. An abbreviation used in text messaging.
TEXTISM n. the language, or a particular usage, characteristic of text messages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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