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There are 10 four-letter words containing XI

AXILaxil n. (Botany) The angle or point of divergence between the upper side of a branch, leaf, or petiole, and…
AXIL n. the upper angle between leaf and stem.
AXISaxis n. (Geometry) An imaginary line around which an object spins (an axis of rotation) or is symmetrically…
axis n. (Mathematics) A fixed one-dimensional figure, such as a line or arc, with an origin and orientation…
axis n. (Anatomy) The second cervical vertebra of the spine.
DIXIDIXI v. (Latin) I have spoken.
EXITexit n. An act of going out or going away, or leaving; a departure.
exit n. A way out.
exit n. (Figuratively, often euphemistic) The act of departing from life; death.
IXIAixia n. Any of the genus Ixia of cormous plants native to South Africa.
Ixia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Iridaceae – various cormous plants. many known as corn lilies, native…
IXIA n. a flowering plant of South Africa.
MAXImaxi adj. Having a hemline at ankle length.
maxi adj. Being of the largest size in its category of items.
maxi n. A dress, coat or skirt having such a hemline.
OXICoxic adj. (Obsolete) Sharp; pointy.
oxic adj. Containing oxygen.
OXIC adj. denoting a process involving oxygen.
OXIDoxid n. (Chemistry) Archaic form of oxide.
OXID n. a compound containing oxygen, also OXIDE.
OXIMoxim n. Dated form of oxime.
OXIM n. any of a number of compounds obtained by the action of hydroxylamine on aldehydes or ketones, also OXIME.
TAXItaxi n. A vehicle that may be hired for single journeys by members of the public, driven by a taxi driver.
taxi n. (Aviation) The movement of an aircraft across an airport’s surface under its own power; a phase of aircraft…
taxi n. (South Africa) A share taxi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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