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There are 16 words containing WOODEN

WOODENwooden adj. Made of wood.
wooden adj. (Figuratively) As if made of wood; moving awkwardly, or speaking with dull lack of emotion.
Wooden prop.n. A surname.
WOODENEDWOODEN v. (Australian slang) to fell or kill a person or animal.
WOODENERwoodener adj. Comparative form of wooden: more wooden.
WOODEN adj. stiff as in wood.
WOODENESTwoodenest adj. Superlative form of wooden: most wooden.
WOODEN adj. stiff as in wood.
WOODENHEADWOODENHEAD n. (colloquial) a blockhead, a stupid person.
WOODENHEADEDwoodenheaded adj. Stupid, as though having wood for brains; blockheaded.
wooden-headed adj. Stupid; mentally dull.
WOODENHEADED adj. having a wooden head; dense, stupid.
WOODENHEADSWOODENHEAD n. (colloquial) a blockhead, a stupid person.
WOODENINGWOODEN v. (Australian slang) to fell or kill a person or animal.
WOODENLYwoodenly adv. (Of speech) Dully and without emotion.
woodenly adv. (Of movement) Clumsily or without animation.
WOODEN adv. stiff as in wood.
WOODENNESSwoodenness n. The state of being wooden (often in a figurative sense).
WOODENNESS n. the state of being wooden.
WOODENNESSESwoodennesses n. Plural of woodenness.
WOODENNESS n. the state of being wooden.
WOODENSWoodens prop.n. Plural of Wooden.
WOODEN v. (Australian slang) to fell or kill a person or animal.
WOODENTOPwoodentop n. Alternative form of wooden-top.
wooden-top n. (Britain, informal, idiomatic) A uniformed police officer.
WOODENTOP n. a uniformed policeman; a guardsman.
WOODENTOPSwoodentops n. Plural of woodentop.
wooden-tops n. Plural of wooden-top.
WOODENTOP n. a uniformed policeman; a guardsman.
WOODENWAREwoodenware n. Articles made from wood.
WOODENWARE n. ware made of wood.
WOODENWARESwoodenwares n. Plural of woodenware.
WOODENWARE n. ware made of wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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