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There are 18 words containing WRECK

WRECKwreck n. Something or someone that has been ruined.
wreck n. The remains of something that has been severely damaged or worn down.
wreck n. An event in which something is damaged through collision.
WRECKSwrecks n. Plural of wreck.
wrecks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wreck.
WRECK v. to cause the ruin of, also WRACK.
WRECKEDwrecked adj. Destroyed, usually in an accident; damaged to the point of unusability.
wrecked adj. (Slang) Very intoxicated from alcohol and/or other drugs.
wrecked adj. (Internet slang) Having been put in a dreadful or embarrassing situation; can range from being pwned…
WRECKERwrecker n. A person or company that dismantles old or wrecked vehicles or other items, to reclaim useful parts. (Australia)
wrecker n. One who breaks up situations or events.
wrecker n. A tow truck.
WRECKAGEwreckage n. Something wrecked, especially the remains or debris of something which has been severely damaged or destroyed.
WRECKAGE n. the act of wrecking.
WRECKERSwreckers n. Plural of wrecker.
WRECKER n. one that wrecks.
WRECKFULwreckful adj. (Poetic) Causing wreckage; ruinous.
WRECKFUL adj. destructive, also WRACKFUL.
WRECKINGwrecking v. Present participle of wreck.
wrecking n. The act by which something is wrecked.
wrecking n. The taking of valuables from a shipwreck close to the shore.
SHIPWRECKshipwreck n. A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.
shipwreck n. (Countable, uncountable) An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.
shipwreck n. (Figurative) destruction; ruin; irretrievable loss.
WRECKAGESwreckages n. Plural of wreckage.
WRECKAGE n. the act of wrecking.
WRECKFISHwreckfish n. Any of the perciform marine fish of the family Polyprionidae, often inhabiting caves and shipwrecks.
WRECKFISH n. a stone bass.
WRECKINGSwreckings n. Plural of wrecking.
WRECKING n. the occupation of salvaging wrecked objects.
SHIPWRECKSshipwrecks n. Plural of shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK v. to undergo shipwreck.
SHIPWRECKEDshipwrecked v. Simple past tense and past participle of shipwreck.
shipwrecked adj. Stranded as a result of a shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK v. to undergo shipwreck.
WRECKFISHESwreckfishes n. Plural of wreckfish.
WRECKFISH n. a stone bass.
WRECKMASTERwreckmaster n. Someone appointed to take charge of any goods and debris arriving on to the shore after a shipwreck.
wreckmaster n. (Rail transport) Someone in charge of a wreck train.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.
SHIPWRECKINGshipwrecking v. Present participle of shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK v. to undergo shipwreck.
WRECKMASTERSwreckmasters n. Plural of wreckmaster.
WRECKMASTER n. a person taking charge of a disabled ship or train and its cargo or freight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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