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There are 20 words containing WOVE

WOVEwove v. Simple past tense of weave.
wove v. (Now colloquial, nonstandard) past participle of weave.
wove adj. (Of paper) made on a mould of closely woven wire.
WOVENwoven adj. Fabricated by weaving.
woven adj. Interlaced.
woven n. A cloth formed by weaving. It only stretches in the bias directions (between the warp and weft directions)…
INWOVEinwove v. Simple past tense of inweave.
INWEAVE v. to weave in.
REWOVErewove v. Simple past tense of reweave.
REWEAVE v. to weave again.
UNWOVEunwove v. Simple past tense of unweave.
UNWEAVE v. to undo something woven.
WOVENSwovens n. Plural of woven.
WOVEN n. a woven fabric.
INWOVENinwoven v. Past participle of inweave.
INWEAVE v. to weave in.
REWOVENrewoven adj. Having been woven again.
rewoven v. Past participle of reweave.
REWEAVE v. to weave again.
ROWOVERROWOVER n. a rowing event won by rowing the course unopposed.
UNWOVENunwoven adj. Not woven.
unwoven v. Past participle of unweave.
UNWEAVE v. to undo something woven.
NONWOVENnonwoven adj. Not woven.
nonwoven n. Any of various fabriclike materials made from long fibres bonded together by chemical or mechanical processes.
non-woven adj. Alternative form of nonwoven.
ROWOVERSROWOVER n. a rowing event won by rowing the course unopposed.
WIREWOVEwirewove adj. A type of writing paper of a fine glazed quality.
wirewove adj. A translucent material made of woven iron wires coated in varnish, used for windows or roofs on temporary structures.
wirewove adj. A bedspring made entirely from twisted wires formed into springs.
CREAMWOVEcreamwove adj. Describing wove paper that is cream in colour.
creamwove n. (UK) wove writing paper that is cream in color.
CREAMWOVE adj. of woven paper, cream or white in colour.
HANDWOVENhandwoven adj. Woven by hand, or with a hand-operated loom.
hand-woven adj. Alternative form of handwoven.
HANDWOVEN adj. woven by hand.
INTERWOVEinterwove v. Simple past tense of interweave.
INTERWEAVE v. to weave together.
NONWOVENSnonwovens n. Plural of nonwoven.
NONWOVEN n. a fabric not made by weaving.
THROWOVERthrow␣over v. (Transitive) To end a romantic/sexual relationship with.
throw␣over v. (Transitive) To discard or give up (A plan or project, etc.).
THROWOVER n. a piece of material that is placed over an object to provide decoration, protection, or warmth.
INTERWOVENinterwoven v. Past participle of interweave.
INTERWEAVE v. to weave together.
THROWOVERSTHROWOVER n. a piece of material that is placed over an object to provide decoration, protection, or warmth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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