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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing WF

BARROWFULSbarrowfuls n. Plural of barrowful.
BARROWFUL n. the contents of a barrow.
BLOWFISHESblowfishes n. Plural of blowfish.
BLOWFISH n. a marine fish, aka globefish.
COWFETERIACOWFETERIA n. (New Zealand) a calf feeder with multiple teats.
CRAWFISHEDcrawfished v. Simple past tense and past participle of crawfish.
CRAWFISH v. to retreat or back out.
CRAWFISHEScrawfishes n. Plural of crawfish.
CRAWFISH v. to retreat or back out.
DOWFNESSESDOWFNESS n. (Scots) dullness, heaviness.
HAWFINCHEShawfinches n. Plural of hawfinch.
HAWFINCH n. a Eurasian finch.
LAWFULNESSlawfulness n. Property of being lawful, of obeying the law.
lawfulness n. Property of operating in a manner organized by certain laws.
LAWFULNESS n. the state of being lawful.
MARROWFATSmarrowfats n. Plural of marrowfat.
MARROWFAT n. a rich but late variety of pea.
MEADOWFOAMmeadowfoam n. Any of the plants in the genus Limnanthes, flowering annuals native to the western US, especially white…
meadowfoam n. (Uncountable) The industrially-useful oil produced by Limnanthes alba.
NEWFANGLEDnewfangled adj. (Usually derogatory, disapproving, or humorous) new and often needlessly novel or gratuitously different;…
newfangled adj. Fond of novelty.
new-fangled adj. Alternative spelling of newfangled.
NEWFANGLESNEWFANGLE n. an excessively or ostentatiously modern thing.
SNOWFIELDSsnowfields n. Plural of snowfield.
SNOWFIELD n. an area of snow.
SNOWFLAKESsnowflakes n. Plural of snowflake.
snowflakes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snowflake.
snow-flakes n. Plural of snow-flake.
SNOWFLECKSsnowflecks n. Plural of snowfleck.
SNOWFLECK n. the snow bunting, also SNOWFLICK.
SNOWFLICKSsnowflicks n. Plural of snowflick.
SNOWFLICK n. the snow bunting, also SNOWFLECK.
UNLAWFULLYunlawfully adv. In a manner not conforming to the law.
UNLAWFUL adv. not lawful.
VIEWFINDERviewfinder n. A device on a camera that shows what will appear in the field of view of the lens; it helps the user…
VIEWFINDER n. a device on a camera for showing the area of the subject to be included in the picture.
YELLOWFINSyellowfins n. Plural of yellowfin.
YELLOWFIN n. a kind of tuna with yellowish fins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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