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There are 18 words containing VISIONI

DIVISIONISMdivisionism n. (Art) The use of small areas of color to construct an image.
divisionism n. Support for division of a territory, etc.
DIVISIONISM n. pointillism.
DIVISIONISMSdivisionisms n. Plural of divisionism.
DIVISIONISM n. pointillism.
DIVISIONISTdivisionist n. An artist who works in the style of divisionism.
divisionist n. One who supports division (Of a territory, etc.).
DIVISIONIST n. a practitioner of divisionism.
DIVISIONISTSdivisionists n. Plural of divisionist.
DIVISIONIST n. a practitioner of divisionism.
ENVISIONINGenvisioning v. Present participle of envision.
envisioning n. Something envisioned.
ENVISION v. to visualize, also ENVISAGE.
PREREVISIONISTprerevisionist adj. Prior to revisionism.
PREREVISIONIST adj. preceding revisionism.
PREVISIONINGprevisioning v. Present participle of prevision.
PREVISION v. to foresee.
PROVISIONINGprovisioning v. Present participle of provision.
provisioning n. An act of supplying with provisions.
PROVISION v. to provide.
REENVISIONINGreenvisioning v. Present participle of reenvision.
reenvisioning n. An envisioning anew.
REPROVISIONINGreprovisioning v. Present participle of reprovision.
reprovisioning n. The process by which something is reprovisioned.
re-provisioning v. Present participle of re-provision.
REVISIONISMrevisionism n. (Historiography) The advocacy of a revision of some accepted theory, doctrine or a view of historical events.
revisionism n. (Marxism, derogatory) An evolutionary form of Marxism, abandoning some of its original principles.
REVISIONISM n. a movement in revolutionary Marxian socialism favoring an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary spirit.
REVISIONISMSrevisionisms n. Plural of revisionism.
REVISIONISM n. a movement in revolutionary Marxian socialism favoring an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary spirit.
REVISIONISTrevisionist adj. Of or pertaining to revisionism.
revisionist n. A proponent of revisionism.
REVISIONIST n. a supporter of revisionism.
REVISIONISTSrevisionists n. Plural of revisionist.
REVISIONIST n. a supporter of revisionism.
VISIONINGvisioning v. Present participle of vision.
visioning n. The act by which something is envisioned.
VISIONING n. the act of seeing visions.
VISIONINGSvisionings n. Plural of visioning.
VISIONING n. the act of seeing visions.
VISIONISTvisionist n. A visionary.
VISIONISTSvisionists n. Plural of visionist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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