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There are 13 words containing VIBRATI

VIBRATILEvibratile adj. Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating.
VIBRATILE adj. capable of vibratory motion, also VIBRATIVE, VIBRATORY.
VIBRATINGvibrating adj. That vibrates.
vibrating v. Present participle of vibrate.
VIBRATE v. to move back and forward rapidly.
VIBRATIONvibration n. The act of vibrating or the condition of being vibrated.
vibration n. (Physics) Any periodic process, especially a rapid linear motion of a body about an equilibrium position.
vibration n. A single complete vibrating motion.
VIBRATIVEvibrative adj. (Now rare) Involving vibration; vibrating, vibratory.
VIBRATIVE adj. consisting in, or causing, vibration, also VIBRATILE, VIBRATORY.
VIBRATIONSvibrations n. Plural of vibration.
VIBRATION n. a vibrating.
REVIBRATINGrevibrating v. Present participle of revibrate.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
VIBRATILITYvibratility n. The quality or state of being vibratile; disposition to vibration or oscillation.
VIBRATILITY n. the quality of being vibratile, capable of vibratory motion.
VIBRATINGLYvibratingly adv. In a vibrating way; accompanied by vibrations.
VIBRATING adv. VIBRATE, to move back and forward rapidly.
VIBRATIONALvibrational adj. Of or pertaining to vibration.
VIBRATIONAL adj. related to vibration.
VIBRATIUNCLEvibratiuncle n. (Now chiefly historical) A minuscule or slight vibration; specifically, a vibration in brain tissue…
VIBRATIUNCLE n. a small vibration.
VIBRATILITIESVIBRATILITY n. the quality of being vibratile, capable of vibratory motion.
VIBRATIONLESSvibrationless adj. Lacking vibration.
VIBRATIONLESS adj. without vibration.
VIBRATIUNCLESvibratiuncles n. Plural of vibratiuncle.
VIBRATIUNCLE n. a small vibration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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