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There are 9 words containing VARIANT

BIVARIANTbivariant adj. (Mathematics) Having two independent variables.
bivariant adj. (Programming) Both covariant and contravariant.
BIVARIANT adj. involving two variables.
BIVARIANTSBIVARIANT n. an expression involving two variables.
COVARIANTcovariant adj. (Category theory) (Of a functor) which preserves composition.
covariant adj. (Object-oriented programming) Using or relating to covariance.
covariant n. (Algebra) A bihomogeneous polynomial in x, y, ... and the coefficients of some homogeneous form in x…
COVARIANTScovariants n. Plural of covariant.
COVARIANT n. a function of the coefficients and variables of a given function which is invariant under a linear transformation except for a factor equal to a power of the determinant of the transformation.
INVARIANTinvariant adj. Not varying; constant.
invariant adj. (Mathematics) Unaffected by a specified operation (especially by a transformation).
invariant adj. (Computing, programming) Neither covariant nor contravariant.
INVARIANTSinvariants n. Plural of invariant.
INVARIANT n. an invariant quantity.
UNIVARIANTunivariant adj. Having a single degree of freedom.
UNIVARIANT adj. having one degree of freedom.
VARIANTvariant adj. Showing variety, diverse.
variant adj. Showing deviation or disagreement.
variant adj. (Obsolete) Variable.
VARIANTSvariants n. Plural of variant.
VARIANT n. something that differs from a standard or type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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