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There are 8 words containing VENTAI

VENTAILventail n. (Historical) Synonym of aventail (“mail curtain or flap, on a helmet or a mail coif, that protects the…
ventail n. (Historical) The movable front part of a medieval helmet, originally including the visor but later specifically…
ventail n. (Historical, rare) A vent or breathing-hole in a medieval helmet, for the admission of air.
AVENTAILaventail n. A curtain or flap of chainmail, fastened to a helmet, or to a coif (hood) of mail, covering the lower…
aventail n. Synonym of ventail (“movable (solid plate) front to a helmet”).
AVENTAIL n. (historical) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAILE, VENTAIL, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.
VENTAILEventaile n. Obsolete form of ventail.
VENTAILE n. (Spenser) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, AVENTAILE, VENTAIL, VENTAYLE.
VENTAILSventails n. Plural of ventail.
VENTAIL n. the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, AVENTAILE, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.
AVENTAILEaventaile n. Alternative form of aventail.
AVENTAILE n. (historical) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, VENTAIL, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.
AVENTAILSaventails n. Plural of aventail.
AVENTAIL n. (historical) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAILE, VENTAIL, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.
VENTAILESventailes n. Plural of ventaile.
VENTAILE n. (Spenser) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, AVENTAILE, VENTAIL, VENTAYLE.
AVENTAILESaventailes n. Plural of aventaile.
AVENTAILE n. (historical) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, VENTAIL, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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