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There are 13 words containing VALIST

MEDIAEVALISTmediaevalist n. Dated form of medievalist.
mediævalist n. (Archaic) Alternative form of medievalist.
MEDIAEVALIST n. a supporter of mediaevalism, also MEDIEVALIST.
MEDIAEVALISTICmediaevalistic adj. Alternative form of medievalistic.
mediævalistic adj. (Archaic or archaizing) Alternative form of medievalistic.
MEDIAEVALISTIC adj. related to mediaevalism, also MEDIEVALISTIC.
MEDIAEVALISTSmediaevalists n. Plural of mediaevalist.
mediævalists n. Plural of mediævalist.
MEDIAEVALIST n. a supporter of mediaevalism, also MEDIEVALIST.
MEDIEVALISTmedievalist n. One who studies the culture and history of the Middle Ages.
MEDIEVALIST n. a specialist in medieval history and culture, also MEDIAEVALIST.
MEDIEVALISTICmedievalistic adj. Having a medieval style, though not actually from that era.
medievalistic adj. Relating to the study of medievalism.
MEDIEVALISTIC adj. related to mediaevalism, also MEDIAEVALISTIC.
MEDIEVALISTSmedievalists n. Plural of medievalist.
MEDIEVALIST n. a specialist in medieval history and culture, also MEDIAEVALIST.
REMOVALISTremovalist n. (Chiefly US, historical) One who advocates the removal of native populations from their land.
removalist n. One who removes (by profession).
removalist n. (Chiefly Australia) A person or company who specialises in domestic removals, that is, the transportation…
REMOVALISTSremovalists n. Plural of removalist.
REMOVALIST n. (Australian) a person or company that transports household effects to a new home.
REVIVALISTrevivalist n. Someone who seeks to revive something.
revivalist n. (US) An evangelistic preacher.
revivalist adj. (US) Evangelistic.
REVIVALISTICrevivalistic adj. Revivalist.
REVIVALISTIC adj. relating to revivalism, the spirit or methods characteristic of religious revivals.
REVIVALISTSrevivalists n. Plural of revivalist.
REVIVALIST n. one who conducts religious revivals.
SURVIVALISTsurvivalist n. A person who believes in being prepared to survive and is actively preparing for possible future emergencies…
SURVIVALIST n. a person who advocates or practices survivalism.
SURVIVALISTSsurvivalists n. Plural of survivalist.
SURVIVALIST n. a person who advocates or practices survivalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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