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There are 14 words containing VULAR

OVULARovular adj. Of or pertaining to an oval.
ovular adj. Of or pertaining to an ovule.
ovular n. (Feminism, rare) A seminar for feminists.
UVULARuvular adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the uvula.
uvular adj. (Phonetics) Of a sound, articulated with the uvula.
uvular n. (Phonetics) A sound articulated with the uvula.
OVULARYovulary n. (Botany) The structure that contains an ovule or ovules in a flowering plant.
ovulary adj. (Biology) Pertaining to ovules.
OVULARY adj. relating or belonging to an ovule, also OVULAR.
UVULARSuvulars n. Plural of uvular.
UVULAR n. a sound produced by use of the uvula.
ANOVULARanovular adj. Synonym of anovulatory.
ANOVULAR adj. not involving ovulation.
BIOVULARbiovular adj. (Of twins) derived from two separate ova; non-identical or fraternal.
BIOVULAR adj. derived from two ova.
NERVULARnervular adj. Relating to a nervule.
NERVULAR adj. relating to a nervule, a small branch of a nerve.
UVULARLYuvularly adv. By means of the uvula.
UVULAR adv. relating to the uvula.
VALVULARvalvular adj. (Medicine, biology) Of or pertaining to valves, such as those of the heart.
valvular adj. Like a valve.
VALVULAR adj. pertaining to a valve.
BINOVULARbinovular adj. Alternative form of biovular.
BINOVULAR adj. relating to or derived from two different ova.
MONOVULARmonovular adj. (Of twins) Synonym of identical (“derived from the same ovum; monozygotic”).
MONOVULAR adj. having one ovule.
BIVALVULARbivalvular adj. Having two valves.
BIVALVULAR adj. having two valves.
TRIVALVULARtrivalvular adj. Having or relating to three valves.
TRIVALVULAR adj. having three valves.
UNIVALVULARunivalvular adj. (Botany, zoology) Having only one valve.
UNIVALVULAR adj. having only one valve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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