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There are 10 words containing VIOLI

RAVIOLIravioli n. Plural of raviolo.
ravioli n. Small square parcels of pasta filled with meat, cheese, spinach etc.
ravioli n. A dish made with ravioli.
RAVIOLISraviolis n. Plural of ravioli.
RAVIOLI n. (Italian) pasta in the form of small square cases filled with minced meat, vegetables, etc.
VIOLINviolin n. A small unfretted stringed instrument with four strings tuned (lowest to highest) G-D-A-E, usually held…
violin n. (Inexact, sometimes proscribed) Any instrument of the violin family, always inclusive of violins, violas…
violin n. (Music, metonymically) The position of a violinist in an orchestra or group.
VIOLINISTviolinist n. A person who plays the violin.
VIOLINIST n. one who plays the violin.
VIOLINISTICviolinistic adj. Of, pertaining or proper to a violinist.
VIOLINISTIC adj. of or like a violinist.
VIOLINISTICALLYviolinistically adv. In violinistic terms; with regard to playing the violin.
VIOLINISTIC adv. of or like a violinist.
VIOLINISTSviolinists n. Plural of violinist.
VIOLINIST n. one who plays the violin.
VIOLINSviolins n. Plural of violin.
violins n. (Music) the violin section of an orchestra.
VIOLIN n. the smallest of the modern stringed instrument.
VIOLISTviolist n. A person who plays the viol.
violist n. A person who plays the viola.
VIOLIST n. one who plays the viola.
VIOLISTSviolists n. Plural of violist.
VIOLIST n. one who plays the viola.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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