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There are 8 eight-letter words containing VOLUT

EVOLUTEDEVOLUTE v. to develop by evolution.
EVOLUTESevolutes n. Plural of evolute.
EVOLUTE v. to develop by evolution.
INVOLUTEinvolute adj. (Formal) Difficult to understand; complicated.
involute adj. (Botany) Having the edges rolled with the adaxial side outward.
involute adj. (Biology, of shells) Having a complex pattern of coils in which younger whorls only partly surround older ones.
OBVOLUTEobvolute adj. Overlapping; contorted; convoluted.
obvolute adj. (Botany) Having two opposite leaves, each with one edge overlapping the nearest edge of the other.
obvolute adj. (Botany) Having a circle of several leaves or petals which overlap in that manner.
REVOLUTErevolute adj. Rolled or recurved on itself.
revolute adj. (Botany) Having the edges rolled with the abaxial side outward.
revolute v. To roll back, curve upwards.
VOLUTINSVOLUTIN n. a substance found in granular form in the cytoplasm of various cells.
VOLUTIONvolution n. A turning (rolling or revolving) motion.
volution n. A single turn (Of a coil etc.); a twist.
VOLUTION n. a revolving movement.
VOLUTOIDvolutoid adj. Like a volute.
VOLUTOID adj. like a volute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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