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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing VENTI

ADVENTITIOUSadventitious adj. From an external source; not innate or inherent, foreign.
adventitious adj. Accidental, additional, appearing casually.
adventitious adj. (Genetics, medicine) Not congenital; acquired.
CONVENTICLEDconventicled v. Simple past tense and past participle of conventicle.
CONVENTICLE v. to hold such an assembly.
CONVENTICLERconventicler n. One who supports or frequents conventicles.
CONVENTICLER n. a member of a conventicle.
CONVENTICLESconventicles n. Plural of conventicle.
CONVENTICLE n. an assembly for religious worship, esp. a secret meeting for worship not sanctioned by law.
CONVENTIONALconventional adj. Pertaining to a convention, as in following generally accepted principles, methods and behaviour.
conventional adj. Ordinary, commonplace.
conventional adj. Banal, trite, hackneyed, unoriginal or clichéd.
CONVENTIONERconventioner n. One who belongs to a convention or assembly.
CONVENTIONER n. a person who attends a convention, also CONVENTIONEER.
DISINVENTINGdisinventing v. Present participle of disinvent.
DISINVENT v. to undo the invention of.
INTERVENTIONintervention n. The action of intervening; interfering in some course of events.
intervention n. (US, law) A legal motion through which a person or entity who has not been named as a party to a case…
intervention n. An orchestrated attempt to convince somebody with an addiction or other psychological problem to seek…
PREVENTIVELYpreventively adv. In a preventive way.
PREVENTIVE adv. serving to prevent, also PREVENTATIVE.
REINVENTIONSreinventions n. Plural of reinvention.
REINVENTION n. the act of reinventing.
SUPERVENTIONsupervention n. The act of supervening.
SUPERVENTION n. the act of supervening.
UNVENTILATEDunventilated adj. Not ventilated, lacking ventilation.
UNVENTILATED adj. not ventilated.
VENTILATIONSventilations n. Plural of ventilation.
VENTILATION n. the act of ventilating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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