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There are 7 words containing VIVO

REVIVORrevivor n. (UK, law) revival of a suit which is abated by the death or marriage of any of the parties.
revivor n. (Ireland, law) revival into force of a statute which had previously been repealed.
REVIVOR n. the revival of a law suit.
REVIVORSrevivors n. Plural of revivor.
REVIVOR n. the revival of a law suit.
SURVIVORsurvivor n. One who survives, especially one who survives a traumatic experience.
survivor n. (Figuratively) A person who is able to endure hardship.
survivor n. One who knew a specific decedent.
SURVIVORSsurvivors n. Plural of survivor.
SURVIVOR n. one that survives, also SURVIVER.
SURVIVORSHIPsurvivorship n. The state of being a survivor.
survivorship n. (Biology) The number or percentage of young that survive to adulthood.
survivorship n. (Law) A right whereby a person becomes entitled to property by reason of his having survived another…
SURVIVORSHIPSsurvivorships n. Plural of survivorship.
SURVIVORSHIP n. the legal right of the survivor of persons having joint interests in property to take the interest of the person who has died.
VIVOVIVO adv. (Italian) lively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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