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There are 18 words containing VENL

EVENLYevenly adv. So as to form a flat surface.
evenly adv. In a fair manner of distribution, giving the same amount or number to each; equally.
evenly adv. (Mathematics) In a manner that leaves no remainder.
CRAVENLYcravenly adv. In a craven manner.
CRAVEN adv. cowardly.
HEAVENLYheavenly adj. Of or pertaining to the heaven believed in by many religions.
heavenly adj. Synonym of celestial: of or pertaining to the heavens, the sky regarded as the realm of the sun, moon…
heavenly adj. Of or pertaining to the kingdom of God.
OVENLIKEovenlike adj. Resembling an oven, especially in shape.
OVENLIKE adj. like an oven.
PROVENLYprovenly adv. In a way that has been proven.
PROVENLY adv. without doubt.
SLOVENLYslovenly adj. Having an untidy appearance; unkempt.
slovenly adj. Dirty, unwashed; disorderly.
slovenly adj. Careless or negligent; sloppy.
UNEVENLYunevenly adv. In an uneven or haphazard manner.
unevenly adv. In an unequal manner.
UNEVEN adv. not even.
HAVENLESShavenless adj. Without a haven.
HAVENLESS adj. without a haven.
RAVENLIKEravenlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a raven.
RAVENLIKE adj. like a raven.
HEAVENLIERheavenlier adj. Comparative form of heavenly: more heavenly.
HEAVENLY adj. full of beauty and peace.
SLOVENLIERslovenlier adj. Comparative form of slovenly: more slovenly.
SLOVENLY adj. habitually untidy or unclean.
SLOVENLIKEslovenlike adj. (Rare, archaic) slovenly.
SLOVENLIKE adj. like a sloven.
HEAVENLIESTheavenliest adj. Superlative form of heavenly: most heavenly.
HEAVENLY adj. full of beauty and peace.
SLOVENLIESTslovenliest adj. Superlative form of slovenly: most slovenly.
SLOVENLY adj. habitually untidy or unclean.
HEAVENLINESSheavenliness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being heavenly.
heavenliness n. (Countable) The result of being heavenly.
HEAVENLINESS n. the state of being heavenly.
SLOVENLINESSslovenliness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being slovenly.
slovenliness n. (Countable) The result or product of being slovenly.
SLOVENLINESS n. the state of being slovenly.
HEAVENLINESSESheavenlinesses n. Plural of heavenliness.
HEAVENLINESS n. the state of being heavenly.
SLOVENLINESSESslovenlinesses n. Plural of slovenliness.
SLOVENLINESS n. the state of being slovenly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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