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There are 13 words containing VARY

VARYvary v. (Transitive) To change with time or a similar parameter.
vary v. (Transitive) To institute a change in, from a current state; to modify.
vary v. (Intransitive) Not to remain constant: to change with time or a similar parameter.
OVARYovary n. (Anatomy) A female reproductive organ, often paired, that produces ova and in mammals secretes the hormones…
ovary n. (Botany) The lower part of a pistil or carpel that bears ovules and ripens into fruit.
OVARY n. a female reproduction gland.
COVARYcovary v. (Statistics) To vary together with another variable, particularly in a way that may be predictive.
COVARY v. to vary mean values.
VIVARYvivary n. (Obsolete) vivarium.
VIVARY n. a place for raising and keeping live animals, also VIVARIUM.
CALVARYcalvary n. A life-size representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on a piece of raised ground.
calvary n. A series of representations of Christ’s Passion in a church.
calvary n. A type of monumental public Christian cross, sometimes encased in an open shrine.
OLIVARYolivary adj. Shaped like an olive.
OLIVARY adj. shaped like an olive.
VARYINGvarying v. Present participle of vary.
varying n. (Computer graphics) A kind of variable, used by a fragment shader, that interpolates values across a…
VARYING n. the act of varying.
SALIVARYsalivary adj. Relating to saliva.
salivary n. A salivary gland.
SALIVARY adj. relating to saliva, also SALIVAL.
VARYINGSvaryings n. Plural of varying.
VARYING n. the act of varying.
COVARYINGcovarying v. Present participle of covary.
COVARY v. to vary mean values.
UNVARYINGunvarying adj. Persistent, constant, changeless.
unvarying adj. Lacking variety; having a uniform character.
UNVARYING adj. not varying.
VARYINGLYvaryingly adv. In a manner that varies.
UNVARYINGLYunvaryingly adv. In an unchanging manner; without changing.
UNVARYING adv. not varying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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