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There are 18 words containing VARE

VAREvare n. (UK, dialect) A weasel.
vare n. A wand or staff of authority or justice.
VARE n. (Spanish) a Spanish American linear measure, also VARA.
VARECvarec n. The calcined ash of coarse seaweed, used for the manufacture of soda and iodine.
varec n. The seaweed itself; fucus; wrack.
VAREC n. a kind of seaweed, aka kelp, also VARECH, VRAIC.
VARESvares n. Plural of vare.
VARE n. (Spanish) a Spanish American linear measure, also VARA.
VARECHvarech n. Alternative form of varec.
VARECH n. a kind of seaweed, aka kelp, also VAREC, VRAIC.
VARECSVAREC n. a kind of seaweed, aka kelp, also VARECH, VRAIC.
VARECHSVARECH n. a kind of seaweed, aka kelp, also VAREC, VRAIC.
VAREUSEvareuse n. (Historical) A military tunic.
VAREUSE n. (French) a kind of loose jacket.
CHIVAREEchivaree n. Alternative form of shivaree.
chivaree v. Alternative form of shivaree.
CHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVARI, SHIVAREE.
SHIVAREEshivaree n. Alternative form of charivari.
shivaree v. (Transitive) To serenade (a newly married couple) with the noisy banging of pots and pans.
SHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
VARENYKYvarenyky n. Boiled dumplings stuffed with potato, cheese, or other filling; a serving of these; plural of varenyk.
VARENYKY n. (Russian) Ukrainian stuffed dumplings.
VAREUSESvareuses n. Plural of vareuse.
VAREUSE n. (French) a kind of loose jacket.
BOLIVARESbolivares n. Plural of bolivar.
BOLIVAR n. (Spanish) the monetary unit of Venezuela.
CHIVAREEDchivareed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chivaree.
CHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVARI, SHIVAREE.
CHIVAREESchivarees n. Plural of chivaree.
CHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVARI, SHIVAREE.
SHIVAREEDshivareed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shivaree.
SHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
SHIVAREESshivarees n. Plural of shivaree.
SHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
CHIVAREEINGchivareeing v. Present participle of chivaree.
CHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVARI, SHIVAREE.
SHIVAREEINGshivareeing v. Present participle of shivaree.
SHIVAREE v. to perform a mock serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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