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There are 14 nine-letter words containing VIRI

DECEMVIRIdecemviri n. Plural of decemvir.
DECEMVIR n. (Latin) one of a body of ten magistrates in ancient Rome.
NONVIRILEnonvirile adj. Not virile.
nonvirile adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in some Slavic languages for plurals of masculine…
NONVIRILE adj. not virile.
RIBAVIRINribavirin n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic analog of guanosine C8H12N4O5 that inhibits viral nucleic acid synthesis…
RIBAVIRIN n. a synthetic guanosine analogue, which interferes with the synthesis of viral nucleic acids and is used to treat viral infections.
TRIUMVIRItriumviri n. Plural of triumvir.
TRIUMVIR n. (Latin) one of a ruling body of three in ancient Rome.
VIRICIDALviricidal adj. Of or pertaining to a viricide (killing of a husband).
viricidal adj. Alternative form of virucidal.
VIRICIDAL adj. relating to a viricide, a substance that destroys a virus, also VIRUCIDAL.
VIRICIDESviricides n. Plural of viricide.
VIRICIDE n. a substance that destroys viruses, also VIRUCIDE.
VIRIDIANSviridians n. Plural of viridian.
VIRIDIAN n. a greenish-blue pigment.
VIRIDITESviridites n. Plural of viridite.
VIRIDITE n. a green decomposition product in rocks.
VIRILISEDvirilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of virilise.
VIRILISE v. to introduce male characteristics in (a female), also VIRILIZE.
VIRILISESVIRILISE v. to introduce male characteristics in (a female), also VIRILIZE.
VIRILISMSvirilisms n. Plural of virilism.
VIRILISM n. the development of male sex characteristics in a female.
VIRILIZEDvirilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of virilize.
VIRILIZE v. to introduce male characteristics in (a female), also VIRILISE.
VIRILIZESvirilizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of virilize.
VIRILIZE v. to introduce male characteristics in (a female), also VIRILISE.
VIRILOCALvirilocal adj. (Anthropology) Patrilocal.
VIRILOCAL adj. living with one's husband's family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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