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There are 15 eight-letter words containing VOLV

COEVOLVEcoevolve v. (Evolutionary theory) To evolve, along with another organism, via coevolution.
co-evolve v. To evolve together.
COEVOLVE v. to evolve together.
CONVOLVEconvolve v. (Transitive) To roll together, or one part on another.
convolve v. (Mathematics) To form the convolution of something with something else.
convolve v. (Computing) To compute the convolution function.
DEVOLVEDdevolved v. Simple past tense and past participle of devolve.
DEVOLVE v. to transfer from one person to another.
DEVOLVESdevolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of devolve.
DEVOLVE v. to transfer from one person to another.
EVOLVENTevolvent n. (Geometry) The involute of a curve.
EVOLVENT n. an involute curve.
EVOLVERSevolvers n. Plural of evolver.
EVOLVER n. one who evolves.
EVOLVINGevolving v. Present participle of evolve.
EVOLVE v. to develop.
INVOLVEDinvolved adj. Complicated.
involved adj. Associated with others, be a participant or make someone be a participant (In a crime, process, etc.).
involved adj. Having an affair with someone.
INVOLVERinvolver n. Someone or something that involves.
INVOLVER n. one who involves.
INVOLVESinvolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of involve.
INVOLVE v. to implicate or entangle.
REVOLVEDrevolved v. Simple past tense and past participle of revolve.
REVOLVE v. to turn on an axis.
REVOLVERrevolver n. (Firearms) A handgun with a revolving chamber enabling several shots to be fired without reloading.
revolver n. (By extension) Any (personal) firearm with such a mechanism.
revolver n. (Finance) Synonym of revolving line of credit.
REVOLVESrevolves n. Plural of revolve.
revolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revolve.
REVOLVE v. to turn on an axis.
VOLVOXESvolvoxes n. Plural of volvox.
VOLVOX n. (Latin) any of a genus of freshwater protozoa.
VOLVULUSvolvulus n. (Medicine) Obstruction of the bowel in which a loop of bowel has abnormally twisted on itself.
VOLVULUS n. (Latin) a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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