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There are 11 eight-letter words containing VIAL

ALLUVIALalluvial adj. Pertaining to the soil deposited by a stream.
alluvial n. (Countable) A deposition of sediment over a long period of time by a river; an alluvial layer.
alluvial n. Alluvial soil; specifically, in Australia, gold-bearing alluvial soil.
DILUVIALdiluvial adj. Relating to or produced by a flood or deluge.
diluvial adj. (Biblical) Pertaining to Noah’s Flood.
DILUVIAL adj. pertaining to a flood, also DILUVIAN.
ILLUVIALilluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed by illuviation.
ILLUVIAL adj. relating to illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
INDUVIALinduvial adj. (Botany) Relating to the induviae.
INDUVIAL adj. pertaining to withered leaves.
JOVIALLYjovially adv. (Astrology, obsolete) Under the astrological influence of the planet Jupiter.
jovially adv. (By extension) In a jovial (“cheerful and good-humoured”) manner; jollily, merrily.
JOVIAL adv. good-humoured.
JOVIALTYjovialty n. Archaic form of joviality.
JOVIALTY n. the state of being jovial.
LIXIVIALlixivial adj. (Obsolete or historical) Of or derived from lye or wood ashes.
LIXIVIAL adj. impregnated with a salt or salts like a lixivium.
PLUVIALSpluvials n. Plural of pluvial.
PLUVIAL n. a floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment.
SYNOVIALsynovial adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or denoting a type of joint which is surrounded by a thick flexible membrane forming…
SYNOVIAL adj. relating to the synovia, a lubricating fluid in the joints.
VIALFULSvialfuls n. Plural of vialful.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.
VIALLINGvialling v. Present participle of vial.
VIAL v. to put in a small container for liquids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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