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There are 12 eight-letter words containing VEND

LAVENDERlavender n. Any of a group of European plants, genus, Lavandula, of the mint family.
lavender n. (Color) A pale bluish purple colour, like that of the lavender flower.
lavender n. (Film, historical, uncountable) A kind of film stock for creating positive prints from negatives as…
PROVENDSprovends n. Plural of provend.
PROVEND n. an allowance of food, also PROVAND, PROVENDER, PROVIANT.
VENDABLEvendable adj. Alternative form of vendible.
vendable n. Alternative form of vendible.
VENDABLE adj. that can be vended.
VENDACESvendaces n. Plural of vendace.
VENDACE n. a whitefish, found in Scottish lochs, also VENDIS, VENDISS.
VENDAGESVENDAGE n. the grape harvest, also VENDANGE.
VENDANGEvendange n. The annual grape harvest, especially in France.
VENDANGE n. the grape harvest, also VENDAGE.
VENDETTAvendetta n. Revenge.
vendetta n. A bitter, destructive feud, normally between two families, clans, or factions, in which each injury…
vendetta n. (Often preceded by personal) A motivational grudge against a person or faction, which may or may not…
VENDEUSEvendeuse n. A saleswoman in a fashionable clothing store.
VENDEUSE n. (French) a saleswoman.
VENDIBLEvendible adj. Salable; able to be bought, sold, or traded.
vendible n. Anything that can be bought and sold.
VENDIBLE adj. that can be vended.
VENDIBLYVENDIBLE adv. that can be vended.
VENDINGSVENDING n. the act of selling goods for a living.
VENDISESVENDIS n. a whitefish, found in Scottish lochs, also VENDACE, VENDISS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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