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There are 10 fourteen-letter words containing VISM

CONSTRUCTIVISMconstructivism n. (Art) A Russian movement in modern art characterized by the creation of nonrepresentational geometric…
constructivism n. (Mathematics) A philosophy that asserts the need to construct a mathematical object to prove it exists.
constructivism n. (Philosophy, psychology) A psychological epistemology which argues that humans generate knowledge and…
CORPORATIVISMScorporativisms n. Plural of corporativism.
CORPORATIVISM n. the policy of control of a country's economy through the combined power of the trade unions, large businesses, etc., also CORPORATISM.
DESCRIPTIVISMSdescriptivisms n. Plural of descriptivism.
DESCRIPTIVISM n. a theory of ethics by which only empirical statements are acceptable.
DESTRUCTIVISMSDESTRUCTIVISM n. the theory that a part of a whole may be considered a principle part if the destruction of that part would lead to the destruction of the whole.
ELIMINATIVISMSELIMINATIVISM n. the theory that people's commonsense understanding of the mind is false.
NONCOGNITIVISMnoncognitivism n. (Philosophy) The metaethical view that ethical sentences do not express propositions and thus cannot be true or false.
NONCOGNITIVISM n. something that is not cognitivism.
NONOBJECTIVISMnonobjectivism n. (Philosophy) Any belief system that rejects objectivism.
NONOBJECTIVISM n. the state of being nonobjective.
PERSPECTIVISMSperspectivisms n. Plural of perspectivism.
PERSPECTIVISM n. the theory that things can only be known from an individual point of view at a particular time.
PRESCRIPTIVISMprescriptivism n. (Linguistics) The practice of prescribing idealistic norms, as opposed to describing realistic forms…
PRESCRIPTIVISM n. the belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value.
PROGRESSIVISMSprogressivisms n. Plural of progressivism.
PROGRESSIVISM n. sympathy with or advocacy of progress, also PROGRESSISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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