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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing VARI

DIVARICATIONSdivarications n. Plural of divarication.
DIVARICATION n. the act of divaricating.
HYPERVARIABLEhypervariable adj. Having a high degree of variability.
INVARIABILITYinvariability n. The quality of being invariable.
INVARIABILITY n. the state of being invariable.
MULTIVARIABLEmultivariable adj. Concerning more than one variable.
MULTIVARIABLE adj. containing, involving, or dependent on more than one variable.
OVARIECTOMIESovariectomies n. Plural of ovariectomy.
OVARIECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the ovaries.
OVARIOTOMISTSovariotomists n. Plural of ovariotomist.
OVARIOTOMIST n. one who carries out ovariotomies.
PREVARICATINGprevaricating v. Present participle of prevaricate.
PREVARICATE v. to avoid telling the truth by being ambiguous, evading, or misleading.
PREVARICATIONprevarication n. (Now rare) Deviation from what is right or correct.
prevarication n. Evasion of the truth.
prevarication n. A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office.
PREVARICATORSprevaricators n. Plural of prevaricator.
PREVARICATOR n. one who prevaricates.
VARIABILITIESvariabilities n. Plural of variability.
VARIABILITY n. the state of being variable.
VARIATIONALLYvariationally adv. In a variational manner.
variationally adv. With regard to variation.
VARIATIONAL adv. relating to variation, also VARIATIVE.
VARIATIONISTSvariationists n. Plural of variationist.
VARIATIONIST n. a composer of variations; a person who attaches importance to variation.
VARIOLISATIONVARIOLISATION n. inoculation with smallpox virus, also VARIOLIZATION.
VARIOLIZATIONvariolization n. (Medicine, obsolete) Variolation: inoculation against smallpox using material from a smallpox lesion.
VARIOLIZATION n. inoculation with smallpox virus, also VARIOLISATION.
VARIOUSNESSESvariousnesses n. Plural of variousness.
VARIOUSNESS n. the state of being various.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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