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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing VELO

CODEVELOPEDcodeveloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of codevelop.
co-developed v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-develop.
CODEVELOP v. to develop jointly.
CODEVELOPERcodeveloper n. A joint developer; one of several developers (Of a product, land, etc.).
co-developer n. Alternative form of codeveloper.
CODEVELOPER n. one who develops something in partnership with somebody else.
DEVELOPABLEdevelopable adj. Suitable for development, often specifically for construction.
developable adj. (Photography, of a latent image) Which can be developed into a visible image.
developable adj. (Geometry, of a surface) Described by a moving right line, and such that consecutive positions of the…
DEVELOPMENTdevelopment n. (Uncountable) The process of developing; growth, directed change.
development n. (Uncountable, biology) The process by which a mature multicellular organism or part of an organism is…
development n. (Countable) Something which has developed.
DISENVELOPSdisenvelops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disenvelop.
DISENVELOP v. to free from that in which a thing is enveloped.
ENVELOPMENTenvelopment n. The act of enveloping.
envelopment n. That which envelops; a covering.
envelopment n. (Military) An offensive action in which an attacking force moves over or around the enemy and attacks…
MARVELOUSLYmarvelously adv. Alternative form of marvellously.
MARVELOUS adv. (US) astonishing, very pleasing, also MARVELLOUS.
MISDEVELOPSmisdevelops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misdevelop.
MISDEVELOP v. to develop wrongly.
OVERDEVELOPoverdevelop v. To develop to an excessive degree.
overdevelop v. (Photography) To develop a photographic film for too long.
OVERDEVELOP v. to develop excessively.
PREDEVELOPSpredevelops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of predevelop.
PREDEVELOP v. to develop in advance.
REDEVELOPEDredeveloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of redevelop.
REDEVELOP v. to develop again.
REDEVELOPERredeveloper n. An entity, such as a business, engaging in redevelopment.
REDEVELOPER n. one who redevelops.
TRAVELOGUEStravelogues n. Plural of travelogue.
TRAVELOGUE n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOG.
UNDEVELOPEDundeveloped adj. Not developed or used.
undeveloped adj. Not built on, unbuilt; not ready for building on.
undeveloped adj. Lagging behind others, especially in economic or social matters.
VELOCIMETERvelocimeter n. A device used to measure the velocity of something, such as an object or a wave.
VELOCIMETER n. an instrument for measuring velocity.
VELOCIMETRYvelocimetry n. (Physics) The measurement of the velocity of fluids.
VELOCIMETRY n. measurement by means of a velocimeter.
VELOCIPEDEDvelocipeded v. Simple past tense and past participle of velocipede.
VELOCIPEDE v. to travel by velocipede.
VELOCIPEDERvelocipeder n. (Historical) The rider of a velocipede.
VELOCIPEDER n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDEAN, VELOCIPEDIAN, VELOCIPEDIST.
VELOCIPEDESvelocipedes n. Plural of velocipede.
velocipedes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of velocipede.
VELOCIPEDE v. to travel by velocipede.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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