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There are 19 words containing VUR

BRAVURAbravura n. (Music) A highly technical or difficult piece, usually written for effect.
bravura n. A display of daring.
bravura adj. Overly showy; ostentatious.
BRAVUREbravure n. Plural of bravura.
BRAVURA n. (Italian) a brilliant display of musical technique.
GRAVUREgravure n. (Art, printing) A type of intaglio printing process, in which an image is engraved onto a rotating copper cylinder.
gravure n. (Japan) A style of Japanese softcore; glamour photography.
GRAVURE n. any process of making an intaglio printing plate.
NERVUREnervure n. A vein in the wing of an insect.
nervure n. (Botany, now rare) Any of the veins that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues…
nervure n. (Architecture) One of the ribs in a groined vault; a projecting moulding.
BRAVURASbravuras n. Plural of bravura.
BRAVURA n. (Italian) a brilliant display of musical technique.
GRAVURESgravures n. Plural of gravure.
GRAVURE n. any process of making an intaglio printing plate.
NERVURESnervures n. Plural of nervure.
NERVURE n. a vascular ridge on a leaf, also NERVULE.
AUTOGRAVUREautogravure n. (Historical) A process of photo-engraving akin to autotype.
AUTOGRAVURE n. a process of photoengraving similar to autotype.
NERVURATIONNERVURATION n. the state of having nervures.
PYROGRAVUREpyrogravure n. Pyrography.
pyrogravure n. A design or picture made by pyrography.
PYROGRAVURE n. design traced by pyrography.
ROTOGRAVURErotogravure n. A printing process by which the paper is rolled through intaglio cylinders.
rotogravure n. A print made by such a method.
rotogravure n. A portion of a printed work produced by this method.
AUTOGRAVURESautogravures n. Plural of autogravure.
AUTOGRAVURE n. a process of photoengraving similar to autotype.
HELIOGRAVUREheliogravure n. The process of photographic engraving.
heliogravure n. An engraving of this kind.
HELIOGRAVURE n. photogravure.
NERVURATIONSNERVURATION n. the state of having nervures.
PHOTOGRAVUREphotogravure n. (Uncountable) An intaglio process for printing photographic reproductions in newspapers and books.
photogravure n. (Countable) A print so made.
photogravure v. To print by this process.
PYROGRAVURESpyrogravures n. Plural of pyrogravure.
PYROGRAVURE n. design traced by pyrography.
ROTOGRAVURESrotogravures n. Plural of rotogravure.
ROTOGRAVURE n. an intaglio printing process by which imagery is transferred from a copper cylinder to a web of paper, plastic or similar material in a rotary press.
HELIOGRAVURESheliogravures n. Plural of heliogravure.
HELIOGRAVURE n. photogravure.
PHOTOGRAVURESphotogravures n. Plural of photogravure.
PHOTOGRAVURE n. printing from engraved plates photographically prepared.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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