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There are 15 nine-letter words containing VAM

GRAVAMENSgravamens n. Plural of gravamen.
GRAVAMEN n. (Latin) the most serious part of an accusation.
GRAVAMINAgravamina n. Plural of gravamen.
GRAVAMEN n. (Latin) the most serious part of an accusation.
REVAMPERSrevampers n. Plural of revamper.
REVAMPER n. one who revamps.
REVAMPINGrevamping n. Gerund of revamp: an act of improving, renewing, renovating, or revising something.
revamping v. Present participle of revamp.
REVAMPING n. renovation.
VAMBRACEDvambraced adj. (Especially heraldry) Wearing a vambrace.
VAMBRACED adj. (historical) wearing a vambrace, a piece of armour designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist.
VAMBRACESvambraces n. Plural of vambrace.
VAMBRACE n. (historical) a piece of armour designed to protect the arm from the elbow to the wrist, also VANTBRACE, VANTBRASS.
VAMOOSINGvamoosing v. Present participle of vamoose.
VAMOOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOSE.
VAMPIRINGvampiring v. Present participle of vampire.
VAMPIRE v. to prey upon.
VAMPIRISEvampirise v. Alternative form of vampirize.
VAMPIRISE v. to play the vampire, also VAMPIRIZE.
VAMPIRISHvampirish adj. Pertaining to a vampire, characteristic of a vampire; photophobic, parasitic etc.
VAMPIRISH adj. like a vampire.
VAMPIRISMvampirism n. (Pathology) Systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune disease).
vampirism n. (Mythology) the state of being a vampire.
vampirism n. Practices associated with vampires, in particular blood-drinking and the draining of a victim’s life-force.
VAMPIRIZEvampirize v. (Transitive) To make into a vampire.
vampirize v. (Transitive) To drain the resources or life force of.
VAMPIRIZE v. to play the vampire, also VAMPIRISE.
VAMPISHLYvampishly adv. In a vampish manner.
VAMPISH adv. like a vamp, sultry, seductive, also VAMPY.
VAMPLATESvamplates n. Plural of vamplate.
VAMPLATE n. a hand guard.
VIVAMENTEVIVAMENTE adv. (Italian) in a lively manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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